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Job openings open

EURAXESS Job Openings
Are you a researcher ready to take your career to the next level by moving to another country? Do you represent a research performing...

EURES Job Openings
For three decades, EURES has been changing the lives of Europeans, helping individuals discover jobs in Europe and employers find staff....

The Euroguidance Network is a network of national resource and information centres for guidance. It is a co-operation of centres...
Job openings past

Project Officer on Food Losses
Would you like to contribute to the complex web of food losses in the agri-food chain? Do you quickly make connections between certain...

AgrifoodTech Business Developer
Are you someone with a passion for agri-food, robotics and data technology? Do you want to bring promising innovations to the market...

Researcher in data-driven agriculture and food
Agriculture is full of data and digital tools. Do you want to help further develop and spread this digitalization? Then this vacancy...
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